Alaska Alternative Medicine Clinic
Blending Traditional Medicine and Complimentary Therapies for Your Health & Wellness
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Ozone Therapy
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Have you ever noticed that after a thunderstorm the air has a poignant, fresh smell? You may recognize the fragrance in the air as familiar, but one that you’ve never been able to place. It’s the same fragrance when there are ocean waves and waterfalls, as well as when sunlight falls on fields of snow. This smell is ozone, a gas that is produced during all these natural circumstances.
However, we don’t have to wait for nature to make this substance. Modern technology has enabled us to be able to produce ozone at will.
Ozone Therapy uses medical grade ozone, a highly reactive form of pure oxygen, to create a healing response in the body.
The effects are shown to be both healing and detoxifying with its main purpose of suppressing infection and boosting the immune system.
Ozone Therapy is Beneficial For:
Cardiovascular disease
Lyme disease
Chronic hepatitis
Chronic fatigue states
Chemical sensitivity
Macular degeneration
Chronic bladder conditions
Auto-immune diseases
Crohn’s disease
Heart disease/coronary artery disease
Reperfusion after a heart attack
Liver disease

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To Find Out How We Can Help You Feel Your Best!

Ozone therapy works wonders for most people. It’s 100 percent natural with zero chemicals, zero medication, zero down time, zero discomfort, and zero side effects.